Non-tangle Earphones Holder

Twist and unwound your headphones as fast as possible

Prevent your earphones from tangling

Keep headphone wires from getting tangled using the small tool and the right way of wrapping

Smallest earphones holder on the market
Head phones holder to prevent twisting

Wrap in the right way

Winding the wire of your earphones using "8 scheme" prevents it from tangling

Small and light weight

The earphones holder is created from a single piece of the solid wire

Long life to your earphones

Using our holder your favorite headphones will live forever :)

How did this thing appear?

KARPOLAN was boring, so decide to play with wires

  • Picture of non-tangle earhpones holder prototypes


    Invention is a fun

    When you have free time, bunch of tools and the solid wire - everithing is possible :) Here is a video (on Russian) about the inveting process.

  • Buy non-tangle earphones holder now


    Published on ths website

    Now you can purchse non-tangle earphones holder on-line. Also we are thing about publishing blue-prints and instructions how to make such headphones holder by yourself.